Bon Ton

Escort agency Bon Ton in Auckland

  • Creat:30-05-2021
  • Modificat:30-05-2021
  • Total vizionari:15321
  • Luna aceasta:13

Escort agency Bon Ton in Auckland

Companions and escort in Queenstown

People often comment that our escorts “must be supermodels for that price”. They're not.

If memory serves me well, supermodels are airbrushed constructions of unobtainable perfection. Bon Ton chooses to represent real women, ones with visible imperfections and a strong 'je ne sais quoi'.

Confidence, courage, daredevil, pleasure seeker, the ability to listen, empathy…plus a healthy sex drive are all distinctive qualities that define anyone of them – not contrived flawlessness.

They're smart, savvy and enjoy keeping healthy. Many engage in active lifestyles and have all consuming passions for everything this region has to offer, from extreme sports, to a love of the land and the myriad of fine vineyards. And regardless of where they're from, most of our escorts have an in-depth knowledge of where to go and what to see and do in this truely spectacular slice of New Zealand.

From extreme sport and a love of nature, to fine wines and Foucault, there's someone you'll connect with. For an hour of passion, an adventure buddy or someone who'll join you at the end of the day for a long hot soak and a glass of Otago's finest before dinner – then back to your hotel, just let us know what you're looking for.

Call or email Jennifer to discuss your individual requirements and let us tailor fit you with the right girl.

Booking in advance increases the odds of meeting your preferred companion. Interesting girls have busy lives and need notice.







Noua Zeelandă


Locatii de lucru

Ore de lucru
  • Marţi: 10:00 - 21:00
  • Miercuri: 10:00 - 21:00
  • Joi: 10:00 - 21:00
  • Vineri: 10:00 - 21:00
  • Sâmbătă: 10:00 - 21:00
  • Duminică: 10:00 - 21:00

Bon Ton is a escort agency and has the best escorts and exclusive escort girls for unforgettable moments. If you are looking for a trusted escort agency in Auckland, then you have come to the right place. Bon Ton has the most beautiful escorts which are selected on appearance and character with the right sex appeal for any gentleman. When you are alone in your hotel room and feeling horny or fancy a relaxed evening with a VIP escorta, Bon Ton is the best choice to satisfy your sexual fantasies. Receiving a lady from Bon Ton is easy because this escort agency has years of experience in offering beautiful and attractive escort girls to each customer. You can easily receive a lady at your private address or at your hotel where you are staying. Bon Ton has many years of experience and has since built up a large database of escorts who can reach your place fast. In both cases you will always receive the escort girl of your dreams in high discretion and complete privacy. Bon Ton expects that their customers are also clean, that’s why they recommend to make sure to take a shower before you receive a lady. Do you want to make an appointment with one of the escorts from Bon Ton? Then contact this escort agency for more information.

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